Wednesday, October 31, 2018


This year for my birthday I got a tattoo.  I've talked for years about getting one but could never settle on a design or a location for it.  Finally I had cobbled a design together that had real meaning for me: An infinity sign that included the names of my two children and the semicolon.

The semicolon has come into popularity as a symbol for those who have thought about or tried to take their life.  The explanation is as follows:  A semicolon is used when the author could have ended the sentence but decided to continue instead.

I have in fact attempted suicide.  This first time I was 14 and I had been removed from my abusive home (where I was later returned).  I realized that i would never be "normal"; that I would never be able to live and experience life like everyone else.  I was damaged.  I could not see how I would ever heal or be able to have a relationship that wasn't extremely dysfunctional.  I wanted to die.  In my mind it was like wiping the slate clean.  [Although I had been raised as a Christian, I had serious doubts about how it all worked.  It has always felt unbalanced.]   I want to be clean again, without baggage, without scars.  One of the workers in the facility found me about to hang myself in a closet with a belt.  I was stopped and had additional counseling for a while.  I decided to try to life again though it wasn't really a conscience thought.

Over the years, I have thought about it several other times.  Early in my marriage I was again having trouble with this "normal" thing.  It was very difficult keeping everything together and juggle all my responsibilities.  I often suffered from depression and anxiety (I've had severe bouts with both since I can remember - social anxiety is a serious problem for me) and when I become overwhelmed with too many crisis or too many thoughts/feelings (PTSD), I just shut down.  It's then that the thoughts of "ending things" enters.

What has stopped me on these occasions is my children.  Having grown up as a child who lost a parent from suicide, I know how it feels.  There's a blank space and many complicated emotions associated with that person.  I didn't want to damage my children like that.  My children have kept me alive through these dangerous thoughts.  For them I put down the gun whose weight felt so right in my hands.  For them I put the cap back on the pill bottle.  For them I pulled the car back into the correct lane at the last minute.  I want to be there for them through their difficulties (when I can) both physically and emotionally.  I'm not a perfect mother.  There have been times when I dropped the ball due to my anxieties and emotional/mental turbulence, but I've been in their lives.

EVERY SINGLE DAY I work to be present in my children's lives. The tattoo is a reminder: When thoughts of suicide enter your mind and you can't see going on for yourself, be there for them.  Get help when/if you need it.  Keep going.